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Understanding Legal Concerns

When I was younger, I didn't really see the point of spending a lot of time worrying about something as silly as liability. However, as my business continued to grow, I started to see the problems with some of our policies. I knew that I needed to consult with some lawyers to figure out how to protect our business, so I began focusing on taking care of things. I wanted to start a new blog to help other people to understand legal concerns, so I made this little website. I hope you can find information on the things you are looking for.



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Understanding Legal Concerns

Paying The DUI Price

by Rose Larson

If you have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI), thoughts of what could happen are likely on your mind. You can be ordered to pay fines, spend time in jail, lose your driver's license, and more – but only if you are convicted of your DUI. For a rundown on what some who are convicted will face, read on. 


You will likely spend at least one night in jail after being arrested and maybe more depending on when you are arraigned and bailed out. As for being sentenced to jail, that probably won't happen if it's your first time and the DUI is not enhanced. However, if it's not your first time or the charges involve an accident, injuries, a minor child, an extra-high blood alcohol concentration, etc., you could be looking at a mandatory jail term. 

Classes, Counseling, and Community Service

In most cases, you might be ordered to do at least one or two educational classes. Some judges order those convicted to participate in victim awareness classes where loved ones of victims of DUI accidents speak. Counseling is so commonly ordered that you might want to go ahead and begin going to Alcohol Anonymous (AA) meetings right away. It certainly won't hurt.

Community service is also very common and often you will be ordered to do things like pick up roadside trash, work at a food bank or soup kitchen, and more. Some locations have work farms to work at on the weekend for those with jobs.


You will surely be opening your wallet if you are convicted. Fines and court costs vary but often amount to hundreds of dollars. In addition, almost everything you are ordered to do also costs money including probation, counseling, drug tests, classes, and more. 

Driver's License Loss

In most cases, those arrested for DUI will have their license suspended immediately. The suspension will last for a while and begins right away. You may be able to ask the judge for a limited hardship license if you can show that you need one to work or take care of your family. Not everyone is approved for that kind of license.

Other Miscellaneous Punishments

  • Your auto insurance could be canceled, or your premium rates will rise.
  • If your job involves driving, you could be fired.
  • You may be ordered to drive only with an ignition interlock device installed.
  • You can have your vehicle seized in certain cases.
  • Those with security clearance could lose their clearance and their job.

You don't have to face any of the above punishments if you are not convicted. Speak to a criminal defense lawyer about your case to learn more.
